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New year, new smile. Kansas City family dentist.

New Year, New Smile: Integrating Dental Health into Your New Year’s Resolutions

As we look ahead toward a brand new year, many of us are making lists of opportunities and changes that would help to make the next year the best ever. What are we talking about? New Year’s resolutions, of course! Since we’ve already discussed holiday foods and your overall oral health, we thought this would be a great time to talk about some easy New Year’s resolutions you can add to your list that will keep you smiling all through the year. These resolutions are approved by your Kansas City family dentist, so they’re good for your teeth, good for your life, and, best of all, they’re easy to stick to!

Resolution #1: Have Regular Dental Check-ups

One of the best things that you can do for your teeth is to see your family dentist regularly. Regular cleanings and check-ups not only help to keep your teeth looking and feeling great, they can also prevent long-term issues by catching and addressing problems before they become serious. Happily, this is also one of the easiest things you can do, and you don’t even have to keep it in mind. Simply schedule all of your appointments for the entire year in advance, and then you’ll have this resolution taken care of!

Resolution #2: Improve Daily Oral Hygiene

Hopefully you already brush and floss regularly, but there’s still more that you can do. Besides recommitting to sticking with your regular daily dental care routine, you can also up your oral hygiene game in the new year. Pack travel-sized kits that include toothbrushes, floss, and all your other dental care essentials so that you never miss your regular dental care routine, even when you’re at work or on the road. Check out all of your dental care products and make sure that they bear the ADA seal of approval. These are small changes that can make a big difference to your oral care routine.

Resolution #3: Make a Family-Wide Commitment to Better Oral Hygiene

While caring for our teeth may feel like a particularly intimate part of our routine, oral health is something that affects all of us, and keeping teeth and gums healthy is a family affair. As such, your resolution doesn’t have to be yours alone. Get everyone involved! Each family member can set their own unique oral health goals, or you can make family-wide commitments such as cutting down on sugary or acidic foods together!

Resolution #4: Quit Tobacco

Giving up smoking is a common New Year’s resolution, and it’s one that your Kansas City family dentist wholeheartedly supports! Smoking and chewing tobacco are bad for your overall health, and they’re particularly bad for your oral health. They can lead to problems that range from minor (tooth discoloration, bad breath) to severe (oral cancers). While vaping may be marketed as a way to help quit smoking, vaping is not a safer alternative to tobacco products. Fortunately, lots of resources are available to those who want to make a healthier change. Start with the “How to Quit Smoking” page on the website of the American Lung Association.

Resolution #5: Consider Invisalign for a Straighter Smile

Are you hoping to start the new year with a more confident smile? Invisalign treatment is the perfect resolution to get you started. If you’ve been putting off teeth-straightening because you were worried about traditional braces, you’ll have to see (or not see) Invisalign to believe it. These wondrous aligners are practically invisible, custom-designed to fit your teeth, and more convenient than you can imagine. You can take them out to eat, so you don’t have to give up any of your favorite foods! Why not schedule an appointment today to discuss your Invisalign options with your Kansas City family dentist?

Hopefully, one or more of these resolutions will help you to have a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year! And if your resolutions include better dental health, why not call Blacker Family Dental in Kansas City at (816) 763-8400 or click here to schedule an appointment today!