The Effects of Cold Winter Weather on Your Teeth and Oral Health
Did you know that even a brief exposure to snow and other winter weather can have an effect on your body, including your oral health? Here in Kansas City, the…
5 Things You Should Know About Dental Implants in Kansas City
What do you know about dental implants? Maybe you already know that a dental implant is an artificial tooth that can be surgically fused to your jawbone, creating a straightforward…
FIVE Quality of Life Improvements You Can Make Today!
When we think about quality of life, many of us tend to focus on big things: houses, cars, avoiding major illnesses, and so on. But small habits that you do…
EIGHT Helpful Dental Tips for the Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us, bringing with it cold weather, warm beverages, delicious snacks, and lots of temptations to break from healthy eating. So here are a few tips…
EIGHT Oral Health Concerns You Should Discuss with Your Kansas City Dentist
We all know that we should visit our family dentist to get those pearly whites cleaned and polished regularly, but your dentist can help you with much more. If you…
Surprising Facts about Cosmetic Dentistry
While we may think of cosmetic dentistry as a fairly recent development, it has actually been in practice for well over two thousand years. In fact, the ancient Etruscans were…